Day 020: Colour ratio


Let’s play with colour ratio and make some small collages. This a bit abstract activity, you can take it easy with cutting out some organic shapes or you can use some more geometrical shapes as well. It’s up to you, you may decide. We have done it with some geometric shapes this time.

1. Coloured papers are handy for this activity but you can also use watercolours to make your own colour sheets. We have chosen yellow, black and white as the colours, but you may choose some other colours. It is nice if the colours have a bit of contrast and brightness.

2. Let’s draw some geometric shapes on the paper or maybe you can just start by cutting some more organic shapes from the paper.

3. Let’s combine the colour surfaces into small collages.

4. We have made our collages in the size of a post card (105×148mm), so that we can delight our friends or family staying home at the moment with some sunny greetings!

5. How your collages of colour ratio look like? #bobolafi

Have a sunny day!


Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 021: Chick Chick


Day 019: Visitor / Colours and hapiness