Day 021: Chick Chick


Someone told us that the Easter holiday is almost here! We decided to take a very minimalistic and simplified take on to the Easter decoration! It’s a play with three simple shapes and colours. If you do not fancy making any Easter decoration you can twist the activity a bit by using any colours. You will end up with some funky birds!

1. Coloured papers are handy for this activity. A bit stiffer paper is also ok and you can paint it as you wish!

2. Let’s draw the basic shapes on the paper. Let’s draw a circle diameter 9cm, a square (beak) 3x3cm and another square (feet) 2x2cm. You can also download the pdf we have provided for you.

3. Let’s glue things together. You can use the pictures below as a guideline.

4. Tipu = Chick in Finnish is ready!

Have a lovely week!


Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 022: Black = colour?


Day 020: Colour ratio