Day 031: Repeat and build
Spatial “weave”
Today we are still exploring spaces and building one as well. The idea is to use simple modules to build a bigger spatial unity. Repeat and rhythm plays a crucial role in architecture. Have you ever paid any attention to this thing? Have you noticed how in public buildings for example the spaces are fluidly connected and the variation of high and low spaces are used to create a nice rhythm for the experience to feel the spaces. How does a huge space feel to you? How about a tiny one? How about the mix of different room heights, have you paid any attentions? What is the most exciting spatial “weave” that you have visited? Do you have a place or building in mind? Could be indoors or outdoors.
We shall build a spatial weave today by using simple units. The idea is to use simple shapes like cylinders for example that are easy to connect without glue or tape. Just by doing some few cuts you can repeat and build a bigger spatial system that could be almost endless. Would it be fun to have a huge spatial weave that would cover almost a room! How would that look like! You can use your imagination what your construction is actually. Maybe it is just an abstract space or maybe it is a jungle like space or maybe it is a mountain or something else? Could be uncoloured or very colourful! You may decide.

Toilet paper rolls are an easy start for this activity
Toilet paper has been a very popular commodity these days, so most likely you have some toilet paper rolls home? Kitchen towel rolls work perfectly well too! By mixing those two you can create even funkier combinations in height. You better start collecting all the leftover toilet paper rolls because you can keep on building your thing even bigger and bigger! Fun thing with toilet paper rolls is that you can colour them as you wish. What you have in mind? Is it a colourful city landscape or maybe a forest view?
What if this kind of a structure would be huge and placed in the middle of the playground for example? How would it look and feel like? Can you imagine?
No worries if you do not happen to have any toilet paper rolls home, you can just use stiffer paper to make simple cylinders. Just cut some stripes of the paper first and connect the ends with tape or glue. Check the images, it will help you in the process. The funny thing with this method is that you can use any colours and make any heights and any radiuses so you will get a great amount of variation in your work!

Simple steps to make some cylinders in any colours and heights you wish!

There is no end building this spatial structure. What if it would fill in one room! How many toilet paper rolls and cylinders would you need?
Let’s get wild! How is your spatial weave? Is it a mountain, jungle, city scape or landscape maybe?
Ok, this is not serious thing at all; you can even do some funky add-ons. We were maybe a bit boring and tested out some simple blue and green leaves. You do not need any glue to fix them maybe either, they can be just connected to the totality with the cut. What could you do actually? How about rainbows or birds or what else? Feel free to use your imaginary and create your own spatial weave!

Combine cylinders with any two dimensional shapes you wish! How about leaves, birds, signs and what else?
This structure could be interesting to feel in different sizes! Could you use lego men to experiment with the scale. Do they look small or big, what if you would be as small as a lego man? How would your perspective be then?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -