Day 030: Viewpoints
Sketching up
Have you noticed how important the viewpoint or perspective is when you are observing a space? Have you thought how important role windows or openings have in the matter how we experience spaces? Have you ever noticed how cool it is to look outside from a huge window reaching from floor to the sealing? Or have you paid any attention on how the feeling is changing if there is even a tiny window in the bathroom? How about the shapes of the openings? Have you been on a sailing point and seen a round window from where the marine scenery opens up all the way to the horizon?
Today we shall make a small space with a lot of openings! It is an abstract space that is kind of inverting the spatial feeling and through all the openings you will make. It is also an interesting exercise making a gain a space from 2d surface. Let’s get started! You will need some A4 paper or stiffer cardboard. We did a test with both just a standard copy paper and a bit thicker coloured paper. Both worked perfectly well! The fun thing with the copy paper is that you can colour the inside as you wish!
1. Fold the paper in four parts.
2. Next we need to cut a bit. The best way is to fold two parts together and then just cut two straight cuts or maybe you can cut it in the angle. The important part is that you do not cut anything out! Hahaa this seems a bit more difficult to explain than what it actually is. Check the pictures they will help a lot :D
3. Fold the furthest side of the cuts to help folding the parts inwards later on.
4. Tape the two ends together. Remember that if you are working with the white paper and wish to colour the inside of the piece, do it before taping the ends together! Cut some openings for this side too.
5. Then we can fold in the parts we have earlier cut.
I think we are getting ready! How does your space look like? Did you make a special world with some characters inside or just some colours maybe? We are happy to see your little sculptural space creation too! #bobolafi

Experimenting with all different kinds of viewpoints

Blue space
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -