Day 032: Crossing sticks

Crossing structures

Crossing structures

Sketching a space out of sticks!

Sketching a space out of sticks!

Do you happen to have some bamboo sticks, matchsticks, cotton swabs, straws or old ice cream sticks? If not do not get stressed, it is a good reason to go outside for a little walk and find some sticks that have fallen down from the trees. Leave the branches still to grow! I am sure there are plenty of old once that have naturally fallen down. Remember always to respect the nature and property of others. Pick up many enough so that you will have enough building material later on. A bit curvy sticks are fun too but they might be a little bit more challenging as a building element. But try those as well. Be curious, challenging and experimental! Just cross the sticks together and see what you come up with! It is a cool challenge! It is almost like building a small hut or a cottage house.

We have used grill sticks today to build a space, but you can also use wooden sticks from outdoors, straws or even matchsticks.

We have used grill sticks today to build a space, but you can also use wooden sticks from outdoors, straws or even matchsticks.

We at Bobola used bamboo sticks to build a little space. We decided to make a bit abstract space that could be placed in real scale anywhere. Maybe it could be placed in the middle of the forest as a resting place or maybe next to the seashore as a shelter. We have used the hot glue gun but any other glue works as well. You just might need to wait a bit longer before you can build the whole construction. Maybe you can make kind of flat building modules first and let them dry and then glue them together. We also noticed that using tape as a helper makes easier to glue together the parts. Check out the pictures, they are quite informative in this case :)

What kind of a space you have in mind? Keep it for the next week, we shall need it during the week when we are exploring a bit more some spatial activities!


A hut or a shelter?

A hut or a shelter?

Simple elements can be a starting point for building bigger spatial spaces of many kinds. Can you imagine how your space would look like in a bigger scale?

Scaled up structure made with simple bamboo sticks. A meeting place for people @ Ziro festival of music by Studio finna.

Scaled up structure made with simple bamboo sticks. A meeting place for people @ Ziro festival of music by Studio finna.

Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 033: Visitor / Green spaces


Day 031: Repeat and build