Day 056: Hard Tuesday!
Sound of music!
Yesterday was fluffy and soft! Today we are exploring the hard materials and looking around what materials we could reuse from home. When thinking of hard materials we were wondering where hard materials are used and what could we do, using some harder materials. The first thing that some how came in mind was a drum set! Hard materials are used in different kind of applications and we can find hard materials like wood, marble, metal and fired porcelain from many household products as well. Doing some instruments reusing some cans and cardboard felt like a melodic start for the week!

What hard materials you can find from home that could be further developed into instruments? Do you have some empty glass bottles? Maybe you can build flutes using the bottles and willing them with different amounts of water. Then you just gently blow in the bottles and you can hear different notes. How about cans then? What could you make out of them? Maybe drum set or a guitar?
A home made guitar is a playful instrument!

Here are the materials and tools you need for this activity. We have also provided the instructions with step by step visuals. The activity starts with cutting and doing the elements from a cardboard. You are free to use your imaginary and modify the instrument regarding the materials available. You are also more than welcome to tweak it and give it an identity you like! Play with colours and elements you find cool! This custom made guitar in a miniature size can be made according to your imagination, wishes and dreams!
Hard can works as a base for the sound! You can also make drums and other instruments using the recyclable cans!

Time to glue things together and give it a bit of colour. We have used acrylic colours but you can use paints you have available! The last step is to fix the strings, we have used some thicker cotton thread. Fishing lines can make a better sound!

Let it swing and play it! Maybe you can build a family of instruments! Drums, guitar, violin and what else? Have a great musical day!
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -