Day 057: Collect and connect
There has recently been a lot of discussion around pollinators and the importance of them on the Finnish and international media. The so-called “bug hotels” have been so popular this spring. We also decided that we want to take part in this effort to provide some cozy design homes for all different kinds of important bugs, especially the important pollinators that play a crucial role for the whole global ecosystem. Without those hard-working insects we would not have so many different products on our diets. The importance is much wider than that only and we should really cultivate and support those pollinators in all possible ways. This effort is just a small step towards a better future, but all efforts are important. It is also a great activity to head outside collect some renewable materials and use then in combination with some milk cartons or used yoghurt jars. It is also a great activity for our material week and highlights the importance of different materials and environments in the nature. Have fun collecting and connecting!

A design bug hotel for some important pollinators :)
We have used some common reed for our bug hotel, but you can also use some fallen sticks and natural materials that provide great hideaways for the tiny creatures. Remember to dry the materials before building the bug hotel so that they won’t grow mouldy and you can keep the bug hotel for many years.
1. First collect the natural materials you are willing to use in your bug hotel. Let them dry.
2. Select your shell for the bug hotel. Suitable covers are for example used oat milk cartons, milk carton, yoghurt jars or plastic bottles. Cut a little sprocket (like in a cap) to protect the hut from rain.
3. We have used common reed as mentioned. Cut the before “the knots” and cut them in the right length to fit your shell. Check the pictures to see what we mean.
4. Add a good amount of glue on the bottom of the container. Stick the reeds or other materials you are using inside. The glue prevents birds to pick up the reeds for their nest building purposes…
5. Fix the strings that you can easily hang the bug hotel. You can use different styles and methods here. Check how we have solved in your case.
Step 2. What would be a perfect shell for your bug hotel? We have picked up some suitable examples from our recycling bin at home. You can use other materials too.
Step 3. See more detailed instructions above.
Almost the last but not the least step. 4. Follow more detailed instructions above!
Step 5. Here we go, it is time to hanging it! Place it on a near by tree or if you hang it on the balcony, place it about 1,5meters up from the floor! Have fun!
Hang the bug hotel in a good place where the flowers and plants in need of pollinators are close to. Maybe you have an apple three in the garden or maybe you can hang it on your balcony where you might have some edible plants also. Remember to hang it on a horizontal position so that no water will fall in. The bugs also love the sunrise so make it face the morning sun!
This is not just one summer joy; you can use it for multiple years! So it is better to storage it somewhere safe in the autumn again and move it back in the garden again in the springtime before all the plants are blooming. If the first summer is not attracting new inhabitants usually the second summer is way more successful, so do not give up so easily. The pollinators love it once it is well worn out and has a bit of patina!
Enjoy your day collecting and connecting!
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -