Day 055: Soft Monday
Sometimes Mondays are not the most purple and pink days, and so does it feel today! Today it feels like it would be great to hide under soft cushions and just eat marshmallows all day long. Our material and surface week is about to continue for another week, so deep diving into soft materials is a great topic today! How could we explore soft materials and what could be good “ingredients” for today’s activity? We wanted to test out two different activities and enable everyone to take part in the exploration even if they are completely stuck at home. So the first idea in mind was the never-ending fascination to soft cushions and the never-ending possibilities to build exciting things out of them. Soft and fluffy! The second thing was very much led by the desire to eat marshmallows all day long. So soft materials were quickly decided and then we only needed to start exploring!
What can you build out of marshmallows only? They are also so fluffy and nice that you can keep on just playing with them.
The soft and sweet marshmallow land
This is a great activity because you can first start with eating a few marshmallows and then experiment with the rest. Remember to wash your hands super carefully before starting the activity so that you can still eat the marshmallows after you have built some soft things like cities, sofas and other a bit more three-dimensional structures. If you happen to have toothpicks at home you can build some pretty cool three-dimensional structures with marshmallows and the sticks. We unfortunately had just three left but we could still test a bit how it would be. I think that would be the most exciting construction to build. The thing is that this is a soft landing and you shouldn’t worry too much of the final results but rather enjoy the day and start it with something fun!
Three-dimensional structures can be built with some marshmallows and toothpicks! Test it out it is super fun! We are sure you can build much bigger three-dimensional worlds than we did.
With such simple materials you can build so many funky and funny things! Use your imaginary and do your own soft furniture!
Who wouldn’t enjoy resting on this DIY Sofa?
Simple steps to make great things! Have fun! Experimenting with soft materials couldn’t be any funnier. Hey how does your new soft furniture look like?
Enjoy your day! Let’s have a soft and fluffy start for the great week ahead of us!
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -