Day 044: User in mind
We have so many kind of users and personalities too, and that’s great! How do the objects of these different users look like? What would they like?
Variations in form of the same function.
Why it is important to think who we are designing things for? When we start to shape new kinds of objects, we need to keep the users very close to our mind. It is beneficial if we can think of who is going to use the coffee cup, ride the bicycle, run, and use the cutlery? It is good to know and consider their preferences as well. Today we are wondering how many different kinds of forms we can create by just thinking o different kinds of users. Why is that important? First of all if the user really falls in love, like to use it and sees the benefits of the object, most likely she or he is going to use it for a very long time. Secondly everyone else is going to be happy most likely as well, the designer, the company and most importantly our globe too. But also it is very important to highlight also the great variety of preferences we have, all the opinions and cultural differences.
So today challenge is to first think of a small group of people you really would like to make some great objects for. Is it your family, is it some of your relatives or friends? First draw the face of the people or maybe you have a pet there as well. After start to think of the preferences, likes and dislikes these people have? Do they have some favourite materials, colours, and patterns or do they like some special kinds of drinks for example that they really need their signature cup for? How about the sizes, do they have small hands or big hands? Do they prefer cup or glass with or without a handle? What kind of forms you come up with? Can you explain a bit about the differences and reasons behind?
Have a joyful drawing moment!
Luckily we are so many different kind of people on this planet and so different kinds of preferences and like :) How is your collection of different shapes like that belongs to your family, relatives or friends? What are the differences in the forms, colours and materials?
As many different kinds of cups and glasses as users :)
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -