Day 049: 3D > 2D?
The world in mind of surfaces and materials. How do different materials feel like? Can you visualize your feelings and impressions?
Can you remember one of the activities during the spatial week when we explored the idea of going from 2D to 3D? We were wondering if we could explore the same idea the other way around. Would it be interesting to continue the same exploration we started yesterday about surfaces and materials and extend it from touching to expressing our observations, notes and feelings on a paper? How about touching and feeling different kinds of objects first without seeing them and then after try to visualize them on a 2D format. The idea is to try not only to show how they look like, but also how they feel and what they remind of?
This activity is very simple and needs very little equipment. So if you have a scarf, some paper, pencils and some objects around you, we are ready to start. The best fun is when you have some company to do the activity together, so you will have the moment of surprise included as well.
1. First of all the participants shall find few objects that are different from the material, surface, size and weight perspectives for example. Keep them hidden from your mate!
2. Close your eyes or use a scarf to cover your eyes. Then touch, feel and try to understand the objects one by one.
3. In-between the objects make visual notes without seeing the objects. How they felt? How was the surface? Did they remind you of something like snow, ice, ice cream or clouds maybe? Make some small drawing and after let your friend to reveal what were the objects actually!
We made some small visualization as well, when doing the activity. It was interesting to try to visualize the different surfaces, materials and thoughts we got in mind. What kind of drawing you made? Did you use some colours to express the materials as well?
Close your eyes and touch different materials. Can you feel a lot of differences? Can you feel the smallest details?
How do the surfaces and materials feel? How about the weight? Do you see any colours in your mind?
We came up with these kind of illustrations. What kind of visualization you made?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -