Day 048: Feel it!

Today we are wondering how surfaces and materials feel like?

Today we are wondering how surfaces and materials feel like?

Today we are going to get started with the weekly topic in an easy going and a slow motion way. Everything around us can be a source of inspiration and focus of our explorations. Today we shall feel and find all different kinds of surfaces around us. This practice is activating our senses.

Let’s open up the senses, feel and touch surfaces! Remember to wash your hands well before and after the activity!

How do different surfaces feel like and how would you describe them? How many different kinds of surfaces and materials you can find around you?

Have you thought how different world would feel and sound like if you wouldn’t see things so well around you? Nowadays most of us know very well how the phone screen or the key boards feel, but how about other surfaces and materials around us. Close your eyes and just explore, feel, touch and sense all different kind of surfaces and materials around you. Describe how things feel and how they look without seeing them. You can do it inside or head outside in the forest for example. Best fun you can get once done with a friend or a parent. One closes the eyes and activates other senses. You can use a scarf to make sure you are not sneaking by accident. The other person is helping the other one to orientate around the environment. Take it easy and feel things. What do you think how does the world feel like without seeing things?

Hmmm how these surfaces would feel and what are they? Remember to explore surfaces only with clean hands and wash them after as well!

You can also head outside and explore different materials and surfaces outside! Forests are great places where not too many people have touched the surfaces! Remember to wash your hands before and after the activity super well and even if it would be great to taste some of the materials, better not :) Take care and stay safe! By the way warm thanks to our Bobola friend Kathrin Alischer who has shared these outdoor pictures of surfaces with us!

Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.

♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 049: 3D > 2D?


Material and surface weeks!