Day 046: Repeating


How can we create another form by repeating some other forms or a form? Today we are using repeat as a device to create a bigger impact and also more interesting one. The idea is to make simple forms and repeat them many times and after connect them all to something more exciting. The challenge is to make as many similar forms as possible. Let’s stick with some simple basic unit shapes, so we can create a bigger totality. Also some simple shapes like cones are fun and easy to make and connecting them you can get very different kind of shapes and create something totally different what the starting forms was! Repeat is a fun way to play with effects too. From a distance the objects can look very united but when you get closer you can see that actually it consists of smaller units. What kind of a bigger form can you come up with? What could you use it for? We had in our mind a lampshade again or a hut or maybe just an interesting wall sculpture that is organic and geometrical to some extends at the same time.

By the way have you ever noticed that some art works look very different from the distance? When you get closer it starts to look something else, you start to notice the different units or colour for example? The same can been seen or noticed from buildings sometimes, from far distance they might look very monolith like but when you get very close to you start to notice all the different parts and units of it. One of our favourite painters is Claude Monet, whose paintings are mesmerizing. From distance the surface might look very homogeneous but when you get very close to you start to see all the different colour and strokes of brushes. It is very fascinating! How repeat can be used in your activities and can you see it somewhere around you too?

First steps in the making process. Repeat and repeat.

Connecting the repeated parts.

Decoration item for the door, wall or something else?

Decoration item for the door, wall or something else?

Have a bright day!

Have a bright day!

Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.

♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 047: Visitor / Shaping with sand


Day 045: Creating