Day 037: Outdoors
A funky outdoor space in 2D. What is an inspiring outdoor space for you?
What elements you have in mind when you think of outdoors?
Can you get some inspiration from old maps or some newer versions of maps maybe? How do maps look like? How are 3D shapes drawn on maps? We found this old map of Helsinki city center. It is very intriguing!
Everything is very pastel like today. Why so? We have no idea, but it just felt like we wanted to use some soft and cloudy colours! You can make this activity in small or big size. We made both as a test. it was fun to imagine a world of ours!
Yesterday we got very excited with the layered spaces and today we are turning our minds and heads outside. It is time to figure out how the outdoor spaces around your layered construction could look like! It is a fun platform for different kind of plays but we also felt after finishing it that this could be a nice art piece on the wall as well! How do you see your imaginary outdoor spaces to be like or is it based on some real life situation? Maybe you can find your inspiration from your memory like the places you have visited? We had a pastel mood so the dominant colours today are all pastels! A hint of yellow and some black makes the totality look vigorous!
Have a cloudy pastel like day!

We started the activity thinking of some optional recycled materials. We were lucky enough to find a piece of bubble wrap that got a completely new feeling with a splash of pastel blue colour. What it reminds you? We got in mind a jacuzzi bath :D We have also painted some cardboard rolls with some funky colours. We used four A2 sized aquarelle papers to come up with a big painting in the end. The size of the final map is about 84x120cm. You are free to imagine your own personal looking world! Have fun with colours and different materials too!
A detail of pastel coloured fields of ours!
Outdoors. Some houses, roads, fields and what else?

You might need to pay some attention when painting the roads or paths!

We just had a very tropical and exotic feeling today. Some pink flamingos in mind and some very colourful and exotic looking palms too! We didn’t save any colours making and painting these palms! Have fun! For sure you need some 3D elements on your outdoors map! What else could you build?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -