Day 035: My space
Where is your favourite space?
Where is your favourite spot at home? Where do you feel very cozy and relaxed? Today we are not dreaming but rather figuring out what is our favourite place/space and why? What is affecting us that there is a special corner maybe at home that you always want to go and relax in or maybe just read there or take it easy for a while. Have you ever thought why that spot is your favourite place or space? What is it kind or like? How is the sound there or maybe the light? Or is it a soft place or a colourful place? What do you see around you when you are there?

Today we are thinking, sketching and drawing our favourite spaces. Why is it such an important space for you? Could you combine some other materials with the painting/drawing technique like soft and fluffy cotton to express the softness of the place, or maybe some other materials? Maybe you can make it into a bit more 3D illustration? That could be fun! It is your space so feel free to use any techniques! We have been a bit boring today and just been drawing to express our feeling of the calm and cozy corner at home. There are interesting perspectives to the surroundings, plants, light, armchair and a coffee machine just within reach. We have made an illustration like this but feel free to use different techniques, materials and styles to illustrate your space!
We are happy if you are sharing your illustrations with us on Instagram with #bobolafi
Have fun and a cozy day!
It is a sunny corner next to window, a bit pastel coloured, light, cozy and a very warm spot. There is a coffee machine within reach. A lamp and a lot of plants on the window shelf. That’s our favourite place at Bobola. How is your favourite space like?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -