Day 034: Spatial series
Spatial explorations
Today the zoom is in spatial series, but what is that supposed to mean then? We talked about it very briefly the other day, but today the idea is to explore this topic a bit more. What it really means? Why it is an interesting topic in architecture and why architects might get excited when we speak about spaces, relations in between spaces and the experiences?
Today we are working on creating spaces of different sizes and proportions and also the relations and connections how spaces are connected. It is not very serious business, it is like a 3d fun Tetris to explore, take news perspectives and think of different scales and heights of spaces to feel and explore. Maybe it is cool to think how a pet sees the world or maybe children or giants? How would a closed or an open space feel like? The idea is to make simple cubic shapes, make some openings to them and connect these spaces in an interesting way. How does it feel when you go from a closed space to an open space or to a narrow space and again to an open space? But why all this is interesting? Maybe there is still some space to challenge the way we see spaces, design and built them. Maybe we could use a bit more imaginary and be a bit wilder. What if your bedroom would be round or the living room extremely narrow with only skylight? What if there would be a space in a space, how would that feel?
What’s inside the closed space? What’s behind the orange space? How is the blue space?
We have used a lot of colours again, due to our stock of papers, but you can go very minimalistic and uncoloured as well. Somehow it feels that the colours are highlighting the transition in-between spaces, so it is kind of fun for a change too! We are working on a very abstract level with this activity, but maybe you can think of a museum, a library, a shop or a wonderland when you are doing this activity?
We have been trying to optimize the use of an A4 paper to not waste any centimetre of it by doing spaces of different kinds and sizes from the leftovers as well. That’s a nice challenge too to think of not to loose any cent of it! You can experiment with cubes, high, narrow, open closed and round spaces. You are free to use your imaginary as much as possible! We did make one kind of a cubic space very refined and precise but you are also welcome to cut the corners short and use tape to just fix the sides together! Maybe you have some great coloured tapes that you can use and make cool detailing to your spaces! Experiment and test, this is not too serious, let’s rather have fun! These little spatial trainings can accommodate a lot of play for any kind of figures and plays, so keep them somewhere safe, we shall continue the activity on Wednesday a bit further!
Have fun and enjoy! Let the spaces flow freely!

Steps to make a cube. You are also very welcome to cut the corners short and just cut out the four squares in the corners away and just tape the sides together. It is making this activity a bit more easy, but it is also fun to challenge, draw, measure, cut and fold very precise cubes. Follow the steps it is not difficult in the end. We have also provided some guidelines as pdfs that you can download, print, cut and colour if you feel so! Have fun!
Cube with some nice different sized opening is ready!
These are the steps to make another cube from the left over corner pieces! We are really optimizing the use of an A4 or A3 paper! Use your imaginary to come up with some cool experiments of spaces!
A 2D layout of a cube before folding and some cutting. You are free to download some more pdfs for your use!
What’s happening in-between the spaces? What is that space like?
How can you play with the spaces, what kind of plays could you facilitate using your little spatial series?
Another simple spatial test with an A4 paper. Is it a space, even if it only has three sides, but no sealing or two other walls?
What is behind the blue opening? How are spaces connected? What’s happening in-between?
Have fun and use your great imaginary to come up with the most playful spatial series!
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -