Day 025: Plentiful
Contrast of saturation in testing. Tests with mixing white and black to red.
Bouquet of colorful flowers!
Today we are exploring the sixth element from Itten’s colour theory. It is called contrast of saturation. What does it mean? Basically it means the variation in the brightness and saturation of a colour. You can test this out by mixing white, grey or black with a pure colour and see what happens if you add more and more. You can also use the complementary colour of the colour you have chosen to be tested. Can you make an interesting scale by mixing colours? How do the colours look like when you mix them with the earlier mentioned colours?
Mixing blue with its complementary colour orange. What do we get out of it? Quite some dirty looking shades maybe?
Mixing colors with complementary colors to explore the contrast of saturation
Contrast of saturation with red and white
Today we are using contrast of saturation to create a lovely bouquet of red flowers. We also tested out a fish that we have a short instruction in the end of the page.
1. First you need to use contrast of saturation and make a scale of reds by mixing red with white. Is it easy?
2. Then we shall draw some circles when the paint has dried.
3. Let’s use the scissors to cut out the round shapes.
4. Let’s glue them together into a nice collage.
5. Let’s spice it up with a bit of orange and yellow. Just paint a piece of paper for each colour. Let’s draw circles as well. They can be also a bit organic, no worries.
6. Let’s glue them also.
7. Let’s cut some nice green stems to complement the bouquet. The complementary colour is nicely balancing the reds.
8. It is ready now. You can decorate your room with it or send it to a friend!
Have some flower power and take care!
Steps to make a wonderful bouquet of flowers by using the contrast of saturation as a starting point. We have highlighted the contrast with a bit of green in the end. Yellow lights up the whole thing.
Flowery greetings!
Fishy business using contrast of saturation as a starting point. We made a fish out of the scale we got mixing red with its complementary colour green. Who is a friend of yours that likes fishing? Maybe we can send a greeting to her/him? Or maybe you can make a pool of fish with using different colors and the contrast of saturation in your process?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -