Day 016: It's all about tones
Today we are exploring the different tones of colours. This activity is a great excuse to head outside in the near by forest or in our garden. In case you prefer staying inside you might do that as well. Or maybe you can do it both inside and outside?
1. First you need to decide if you are going to head outside or do this activity inside?
2. It is time to choose a colour you fancy looking for. If you are heading outside it is good to consider suitable colours that you can find during specific seasons.
3. Once you have decided the colour that you are going to seek the task is to find as many things in the same colour but in different tones. Have you chosen maybe brown or greens as the colour? You can also make a little playful competition. Who can find the most things in different tones? How many tones you could find? Maybe you can great your own little tone collection form objects that are free to take from the nature.
4. How does your collection and different tones look like? #bobolafi
Have a great and colourful adventure!
“my collection of different tones”
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -