Day 01: Delight your friends!
Let’s delight our dear friends! Even if our friends are not always next to us, they stay in our minds and close to our heart! Get your gear ready; find paper, scissors and some glue to get started. Who do you want to cheer today? How does your friend look like? Please find the instructions here:
1. Let’s get started with some basic shapes. Draw some basic shapes like circles, drops, semicircles and triangles on a white paper.
2. Let’s work with the details. Where are the nose, eyes and the mouth? Does your friend have eyeglasses? Please draw it.
3. Then we should give it a little colour. What hair colour your friend has for example?
4. Let’s cut the shapes.
5. Now it is time to but everything together. Use the glue to help you in the process.
6. Take a picture and send it to your friend ♥ It would be lovely if you could also share it with us on Instagram #bobolafi
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -