Day 053: Upcycling
It is time to repurpose and up cycle some egg cartons!
What can be recycled and what’s the point of it?
What kind of materials you can see around you at home? I guess you can find some textiles, plastic, metal, wood, glass, paper and cardboard? Maybe even some other materials? Have you thought what could be recycled and why it would be important to take part in the recycling process even on the micro scale? There are a plenty of materials that can be recycled and used again for similar or different purposes. All different materials also have different properties and used in the right way and right places, they serve for different needs. Recycling systems vary a bit depending on the region and country, but nowadays luckily many things can be recycled. What waste could you recycle at home and give it a new life? We are already recycling paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastics and bio waste, the rest goes to incinerating and is creating energy for households. But why it would be important to recycle? By recycling we can reduce the amount of new materials needed for the consumption. Recycling also reduced the amount of waste and different materials can be used again for many times for similar or different purposes. To reach so-called circular economy we should work together towards a world where materials and product are looped in the system as many times as possible. To achieve the aims, all of us can work on the individual level too. Small things matter when things are scaled up. Hahaa maybe that was enough about the importance of recycling, what we wanted to say is that we can all try to make our little efforts to make the world a little bit better place for all. What about up cycling then? That’s another way to use materials and make them even worth more. Do you have that tradition of rag rugs? That is something that has been very popular in Finland at least during many decades. By repurposing worn out clothes for example and using them in rugs, the textile material got a completely new life and those rugs are super long lasting. I have one that is made by my grandmother 40 years back and it is still serving the purpose extremely well. We won’t make rug rags today even if that could a great activity and made in small scale too, but we shall prepare a little surprise to celebrate the Mother’s day!
Together we can make a bigger impact!
How could you use all these materials that can be recycled as well? We have been collecting a lot of plastic oat milk caps, what could we make out of these?
Today we a sharing some tips to make flowers to have a very flowery Mother’s day!
Today we shall up cycle an egg carton and make some flowers out of it. Tomorrow is the Mother’s day in Finland and that’s a very good reason to make some little roses to celebrate all the Mothers!
For this activity you only need an egg carton, scissors, glue, some paint and a stick or chopsticks.
1. Let’s make the rose first. Follow our pictures to see the process. It is super easy! You can make different kind of flowers from the same egg carton. We have made two different kinds of instructions for you. Egg cartons can also vary so you might need a bit of creativity :) But that’s fun, you can come up with all different kinds of flowers!
2. Glue the petals together and let it dry.
3. Meanwhile you can fix the stem for your flower. You can use a stick from outside, a grill stick or a chopstick. Maybe there are some other options too. It is nice to give it also a bit of colour.
4. You can make a leaf or leaves out of the egg carton too.
5. Let’s glue the stem and the rose together.
6. Give it a bit of colour!
What kind of a flower you made? Is it a rose or maybe some other flower? You are ready to gift it to your Mother, Grandma or even your aunt!
Have a lovely Mother’s day! (Mother’s day is celebrated in Finland on 10th of May)
How you can use an egg carton to make flowers? This is one way. We shall share in the next carrousel also another way to do it. This flower is based on using scissors. Second option can be made without scissors.
Let’s make a little rose. You only need to tear some parts from the egg carton and use some glue to fix the pieces together!
This is how we make the stem for the flower. It helps if you make a little support in the end of the stick first and then glue it to the flower! We were super lucky to have a yellow egg carton so we decided to keep it that colour, but if you wan to give it a bit of colour feel free!
Have a lovely Mother’s day! You can also gift some flowers without reasons to your neighbours, friends or relatives to cheer up the day! Have fun!
Have fun recycling and up cycling things! What could be you next collectables collection to use it later for some up cycling purposes?
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -