Day 051: 2D surface
Elsi 4 years old has sent us some very sweet spring greetings! We asked her and her family if we could use her card as a source of inspiration for today’s activity of 2-dimensional surface. We have created a pattern from her drawing! Shall post one to Elsi very soon :) Thanks a lot!
You can download and use these as a starting point for colouring the shapes.
Today we are testing out how we can make 2-dimensional surfaces. One could call it pattern design as well. What kind of pattern would you love to have on your t-shirt or on your pants? You can use your own imaginary and by repeating similar elements create your own pattern or just follow our example and test out how fun it is to make an ice cream pattern by colouring, cutting and gluing elements together. We have been so lucky to get some spring greetings from our little friend Elsi whose post card has been our source of inspiration. Elsi and her family was super happy that we have developed her lovely little card even further! Thanks a lot Elsi, this is a very sweet pattern!
Depending on your take on you might just need some (coloured) paper and pencils or if you will follow our example, you will need some colours, paper, scissors and glue.
1. You may print the A4 paper to ease your work or just start cutting some triangles and circles from a coloured or white paper. Give it some colour too!
2. Cut the shapes.
3. Combine and organize the elements into a pattern.
4. Glue them on the paper.
5. Tsädäm! Your ice cream pattern is ready!
Lovely thanks to Elsi who was inspiring us so much!
The process of making a sweet ice cream pattern using Elsi’s original post card as a source of inspiration!
Sweet greetings to everyone! It is spring time and we should enjoy a lot of ice cream!
Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.
♥ - Team Bobola -