DAY 5: Bingo time!


Today we are playing together bingo. This game is a great entertainment for any age!

  1. If there is a dice in the family that can be used by just naming the numbers with figures like this: 1=tennis ball, 2=blueberry, 3=apple, 4=pear, 5=ice cream, 6=strawberry

  2. If you do not have one, you can make one by printing the following file and folding and gluing it together!

  3. There is also the link to the bingo leaflets that you can print or download on your iPad.

  4. Have fun!


Dear followers we want to remind you that parents assume all responsibility for the safety of their children in these activities.

♥ - Team Bobola -


Day 06: Moi


Day 04: “Dinola”